***Felices Fiestas***
“It seemed to me that winter was the time for love, not spring. In winter the habitable world was so much contracted; out of that little shut-in space we lived in, fantastic hopes might bloom. But spring revealed the ordinary geography of the place; the long, brown roads, the old cracked sidewalks underfoot, all the tree branches broken off in winter storms, that had to be cleared out of the yards. Spring revealed distances, exactly as they were.” Alice Munro, Lives of Girls and Women.
Reconciliarse con los errores del espacio público embelleciéndolos.
La Obra Pública es más que un problema a solucionar, es una oportunidad para vivir mejor. Gracias a ella nos movemos, vivimos, somos. En 2022 seguiremos promoviendo la Cultura del Diseño en la Obra Pública. Ella no lo es todo, pero lo hace todo mejor.
Gracias a todas las personas que apoyan dobooku.